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An in depth look at the importance of CT scanning in the Forensic Medicine service

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27th September, 2022

An in depth look at the importance of CT scanning in the Forensic Medicine service and its role in helping to determine the cause of unexpected or unexplained deaths that are referred to the Coroner.

NSW Health Pathology’s Foren­sic Med­i­cine ser­vice works at the direc­tion of the Coro­ner to pro­vide post-mortem exam­i­na­tions and relat­ed test­ing in the event of unex­plained or unex­pect­ed deaths.

These post-mortem exam­i­na­tions can only be per­formed by spe­cial­ist foren­sic pathol­o­gists who are sup­port­ed by a high­ly qual­i­fied team that includes radi­og­ra­phers and radiologists.

CT scan­ning is an essen­tial tool to help deter­mine the cause of death and in this video, radi­og­ra­ph­er Tony Bux­ton and Foren­sic Pathol­o­gist Dr Allan Cala dis­cuss how it is used in the Foren­sic Med­i­cine service.


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