About our Governance
NSW Health Pathology was established in 2012 to provide specialist pathology, forensic and analytical science services for the NSW Health and justice systems. Our functions are detailed in our Instrument of Establishment.
Our Board and Chief Executive
Our Board oversees the strategic direction and performance of NSW Health Pathology and ensures that good governance is in place. It includes senior representation from the Ministry of Health and other Health agencies, and independent members with extensive private and public sector experience. Specific functions of the NSW Health Pathology Board are detailed in its Instrument of Constitution.
The NSW Health Pathology Chief Executive is responsible for the corporate governance practices of NSW Health Pathology, which are detailed in our annual Corporate Governnance Attestation Statement.
Together, the Board and Chief Executive play an important role in guiding the delivery of our services. They help enhance the experience of patients and drive greater value for the NSW Health and justice systems including:
- ensuring clinical and corporate governance frameworks are in place
- overseeing our overall strategic direction
- monitoring financial and service delivery performance
- maintaining high standards of professional and ethical conduct
- involving stakeholders in decisions that affect them, and
- establishing sound audit and risk management practices.
An annual Statement of Service between the NSW Health Secretary and NSW Health Pathology sets out the service delivery and performance obligations of NSW Health Pathology.
Board subcommittees
Our Board subcommittees provide advice and support to the Board in relation to key functions and strategies:
- Audit and Risk Management
- Finance and Performance
- Quality and Clinical Safety
- Medical and Dental Appointments Advisory
- Clinical Council
The Chief Executive has also established a Medical Staff Council that advises the Chief Executive and Board on medical matters relating to our services.
Executive Team
Our Executive enacts the strategy and vision of NSW Health Pathology under the guidance and direction of the Board.
Minutes of Board Meetings
The Board meets every 2 months and we publish the minutes of these meetings.