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A new quilt for Forensic Medicine

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27th September, 2022

A beautiful gesture from local quilters to support bereaved families.

Foren­sic Med­i­cine Social Work­ers in New­cas­tle have been giv­en a beau­ti­ful new quilt incor­po­rat­ing New South Health Pathology’s “kin­ship” poster design.

The quilt was made by Ann Leonard, a retired phys­io­ther­a­pist from Hunter New Eng­land Health who is a mem­ber of the Wan­gi Quil­ters. The Quil­ters have col­lab­o­rat­ed on three oth­er extra­or­di­nary quilts that are used when fam­i­lies vis­it Foren­sic Med­i­cine to spend time with their loved ones.

Ann pro­duced this quilt over many months and cred­its her fel­low quil­ters with design inspi­ra­tion. Foren­sic Med­i­cine Social Work­er Noelle says the quilts bring com­fort to fam­i­lies every day and we thank Ann and the Wan­gi Quil­ters for their generosity.


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