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Mrs Tracey Hoitink

Mrs Tracey Hoitink

Associate Director Clinical Streams

Mrs Tracey Hoitink

Based in New­cas­tle, Tracey man­ages the activ­i­ties of the Clin­i­cal Streams. Tracey is an expe­ri­enced leader in pathol­o­gy with more than 20+ years. Tracey has a back­ground in Micro­bi­ol­o­gy where she worked for many years before chang­ing to admin­is­tra­tive man­age­ment oper­a­tions with­in pathol­o­gy. Tracey has spe­cial­ist knowl­edge in pathol­o­gy qual­i­ty man­age­ment, risk man­age­ment and busi­ness con­ti­nu­ity, work, health and safe­ty man­age­ment, ser­vice design and accred­i­ta­tion requirements.

Tracey is known for see­ing a future and build­ing a path towards it, uti­liz­ing resources wise­ly, being agile and deci­sive in deci­sion mak­ing and build­ing last­ing change and a cul­ture of accountability.

Tracey is on the Board of the Nation­al Asso­ci­a­tion of Test­ing Author­i­ties. She holds a Bach­e­lor of Applied Sci­ence in Med­ical Lab­o­ra­to­ry Sci­ence, a Diplo­ma in Risk Man­age­ment and Busi­ness Con­ti­nu­ity and a Grad­u­ate Cer­tifi­cate in Busi­ness Administration.


Anatomical Pathology Chemical Pathology Corporate & Support Services Haematology Immunology Microbiology Transfusion


Anatomical Pathology

Our anatomical pathologists examine tissue and cells taken from patients to diagnose a wide variety of diseases, including cancer.

Chemical Pathology

Our chemical pathologists analyse chemicals in our body fluids and tissues to help diagnose and manage disease. They play a unique dual role of doctor-scientist, looking at changes in human body chemistry for screening, diagnosis, prognosis and management.

Corporate & Support Services

Supports delivery of efficient, effective and transparent services. Includes legal, risk management, internal audit, policy, privacy, records management and GIPA (freedom of information) functions.


Our haematologists help diagnose and treat blood diseases and cancers.


Our immunologists help us better understand and treat diseases of the human immune system.


Our microbiologists and virologists are critical to NSW public health and emergency responses to pathogen-borne disease, and their expertise is recognised world-wide.


Our transfusion service is critical to the operation of emergency and in-patient care across NSW.

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