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Oversees digital strategies, systems and solutions to safely, securely and reliably deliver clinical and scientific results that matter to customers. Ensures we are digitally-fit for the future and leaders in pathology and forensics through transformational programs such as Fusion – a statewide laboratory information system and single quality information system.

Statewide Clinical Services team

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Dr. Stephen Braye

Chief Medical Information Officer & Executive Director Statewide Clinical Services

Stephen graduated from university in 1976 and was later admitted as a Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists in 1985 and a Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia in 1986

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Mr. James Patterson

Chief Information Officer

NSWHP CIO James Patterson leads a dynamic team of ICT professionals at a time of unprecedented technology-driven transformation in provision of pathology services

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Ms. Juliana Iles-Mann

Director, ICT Client & Business Services and Director, Fusion Program

Juliana is passionate about making a difference, digital health, strategy and pushing the boundaries

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Tim Eckersley

Enterprise Architect

Based in Newcastle, Tim leads the Pathology Architecture, Cyber Security and DevOps groups

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