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Ms. Sundus Masood

Ms. Sundus Masood

FMIS Administration Support Officer

Darug. Ms. Sundus Masood

Sun­dus us cur­rent­ly work­ing as a project sup­port offi­cer for Foren­sic Med­i­cine Infor­ma­tion Sys­tem (FMIS), which is in its Go-Live stage across all Foren­sic Med­i­cine sites in NSW. Due to excep­tion­al organ­i­sa­tion­al and inter­per­son­al skills, Sun­dus has been great­ly appre­ci­at­ed by the lead­er­ship team in Foren­sic Med­line. Work­ing on FMIS has been a great learn­ing expe­ri­ence for Sun­dus, nav­i­gat­ing through so many learn­ing curves in regards to project man­age­ment, stake­hold­er engage­ments, train­ing staff, nav­i­gat­ing change resis­tance and assist­ing staff with man­age­ment of work­flow process changes.


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