Clinical Training Coordinator
Lorna has worked for NSW Health as nurse since 2012. After working across multiple areas of nursing, Lorna found her passion in Emergency nursing and Emergency Clinical Education in both Metropolitan and Regional locations. Lorna is passionate about regional and remote nursing as well as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health care and culture. Lorna has trained in trauma nursing through the Australian College of Emergency Nursing as well as maintaining competency in ALS and PALS through the Australian College of Critical Care Nurses. In 2023, Lorna stepped into the role of Regional Learning and Development Coordinator in the private health sector where she developed, implemented and facilitated education and training for staff across three hospitals.
Lorna is the statewide Clinical Training Coordinator for PoCT where she works closely with the PoCT team and NSW Health staff ensuring best practices are utilised when using and collecting samples for PoCT devices.