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Ms Hayley Keenan

Ms Hayley Keenan

Operations Manager, Western Sydney

Darug. Ms Hayley Keenan

Hay­ley Keenan is the Oper­a­tions Man­ag­er at NSW Health Pathol­o­gy’s West­ern Syd­ney oper­a­tions which include West­mead, Auburn, Black­town, Cum­ber­land and Mount Druitt.

Based at West­mead ICPMR, she is respon­si­ble for ensur­ing effi­cient, time­ly, finan­cial­ly and clin­i­cal­ly effec­tive lab­o­ra­to­ry oper­a­tions and the deliv­ery of high qual­i­ty, local­ly respon­sive, diag­nos­tic and con­sul­ta­tive services.

In 2021, Hay­ley was a final­ist in the NSW Health Pathol­o­gy Awards, in the Col­lab­o­ra­tive, Con­nect­ed Leader award. Hay­ley is a senior sci­en­tist, and leader who is going places.

She is an excel­lent com­mu­ni­ca­tor, has a nat­ur­al abil­i­ty in hold­ing peo­ple account­able, dri­ves projects with clarity,
and ensures every­one under­stands their roles.

Hay­ley is inter­est­ed in the devel­op­ment of oth­ers and keen to learn what moti­vates them.


Pre and Post-Analytical


Pre and Post-Analytical

This is the process that happens before and after specimens reach our labs for testing, providing vital links between pathology requests, diagnostic testing and results.

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