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Mr. Benjamin Alchin

Mr. Benjamin Alchin

Senior Operations Manager, Western NSW and Far West

Wiradjuri. Mr. Benjamin Alchin

Ben­jamin (Ben) Alchin is the Senior Oper­a­tions Man­ag­er for West­ern NSW and Far West and sup­ports the pathol­o­gy ser­vices pro­vid­ed to the Far West Local Health Dis­trict and West­ern NSW LHD – cov­er­ing a huge geo­graph­i­cal region in rur­al and region­al NSW, such as Bro­ken Hill, Dub­bo, Orange, Cowra, Forbes, Mudgee, Wal­gett, Bathurst and Bourke.


Pre and Post-Analytical


Pre and Post-Analytical

This is the process that happens before and after specimens reach our labs for testing, providing vital links between pathology requests, diagnostic testing and results.

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