Research Coordinator
Monika Thakur is responsible to coordinate the clinical trials for Hunter New England, Central Coast, Northern Sydney, Northern NSW and Mid North Coast. She has 5 years working experience in Clinical Research and Pathology Lab. In her previous role, she was working as a Technical Officer in Haematology at JHH NSWHP.
Monika has completed her Diploma of Laboratory Technology (Pathology Testing) from the Hunter TAFE.
If you would like to request NSW Health Pathology services to support your research project at Northern NSW, Central Coast, Hunter New England, Mid North Coast and Northern Sydney, please contact Monika or go to our Research Services page for more information.
Pre and Post-Analytical
This is the process that happens before and after specimens reach our labs for testing, providing vital links between pathology requests, diagnostic testing and results.
Every day, our NSW Health Pathology colleagues take part in innovative research to improve public health and safety.
Our transfusion service is critical to the operation of emergency and in-patient care across NSW.