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Dr Sorelle Bowman

Dr Sorelle Bowman


Ngunnawal. Dr Sorelle Bowman

Sorelle has over 10 years of genet­ic wet-lab and bioin­for­mat­ics expe­ri­ence many of them work­ing at Aus­tralian core research and foren­sic facil­i­ties. Ear­ly 2022, she began work­ing as a bioin­for­mati­cian with the NSWHP’s Genomics Team. She assists with the devel­op­ment of infor­mat­ic infra­struc­ture and analy­sis pipelines to process data gen­er­at­ed by the Statewide Sequenc­ing Ser­vice. She has a keen inter­est in top­ics span­ning lead­ing edge sequenc­ing tech­nolo­gies (Nanopore in par­tic­u­lar) and emerg­ing pre­dic­tive ana­lyt­ics (includ­ing vari­a­tion­al autoencoders).




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