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Interested in all things pathology? We’ve got a podcast for that!

NSW Health Pathology has launched its own podcast – Pathologically Speaking. It’s where you’ll meet some of the best and brightest people working behind the scenes to protect and enhance the health, safety and wellbeing of our communities at all stages of life. We are releasing new episodes each week and we take some deep…

Calling time on a stellar career in forensic science

FASS Operations Director, Criminalistics, Sharon Neville is taking a well-earned break from the daily grind, farewelling colleagues after 35 years. Sharon Neville describes as a “light bulb moment” the day she saw a job ad for a forensic biologist based at Glebe in 1989. “I had studied Natural Science at Trinity College Ireland, and when…

Welcome to one of our newest recruits!

Asraa Al Saadi struggled to find work after moving to Australia from Romania. An employment forum aimed at jobseekers from migrant and refugee backgrounds helped her to land a dream job with us! Asraa trained as a doctor, but she had little success finding a role for years after arriving in Australia. In October 2023…

New Cooma pathology laboratory opens

We’re excited to show off our brand-new pathology laboratory at Cooma Hospital. It features the latest technology and will bring enormous benefits for patients, staff and the wider Cooma community. The pathology laboratory has been completed as part of the NSW Government’s $26.5 million investment in the Cooma Hospital redevelopment that also includes an expanded…

Powerful research partnerships

NSW Health Pathology values the power of collaboration that comes from our university partnerships. Research and innovation spark from new ideas and fresh perspectives.   We are passionate about fostering close networks and working relationships with the next generation of scientists.   With so much to learn from each other the student-supervisor dynamic benefits everyone.…

Leading the way in VWD diagnosis

Dr Emmanuel Favaloro’s passion and expertise lie in bleeding disorder diagnosis and better patient care.   People with these disorders bleed excessively.  With up to 1% of the world’s population potentially suffering from von Willebrand disease (VWD) according to epidemiological studies, it is considered by far to be the most common bleeding disorder. However, since…

A mycologist’s view on the fungi in The Last of Us

The blockbuster TV show The Last of Us has raised the prospect of a devastating fungal pandemic, where humans are infected by a brain controlling Cordyceps fungus. We ask one of our mycologists what fungi we should be worried about. A brain controlling fungus that has adapted to climate change to infect humans, plunging the…

Sentinel chickens provide early warning on deadly diseases

Dotted around a handful of backyards and on farms in regional New South Wales are special flocks of chickens that play a key role in helping NSW Health Pathology protect the community from serious diseases. They are known as ‘sentinel chickens’ and since the 1970s they have been used to give us an early warning…

Exploring AI’s powerful role in pathology

In Associate Professor Ewan Millar’s vision for the future of pathology in NSW, the skills, experience and expertise of Anatomical Pathologists is backed by powerful technology. In the near future, Anatomical Pathologists - doctors who study body tissue and cells to diagnose diseases like cancer - will scrutinise digital slides rather than traditional glass slides…

Boosting diabetes prevention

Samoan peo­ple are at high­er risk of dia­betes and often expe­ri­ence avoid­able com­pli­ca­tions that can be fatal. NSW Health Pathol­o­gy is part­ner­ing with West­ern Syd­ney Uni­ver­si­ty on a dia­betes pre­ven­tion and man­age­ment pro­gram for Aus­tralian-Samoan com­mu­ni­ties in South West­ern Sydney.

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