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Tracey Riley bids farewell to pathology after 34 years

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12th July, 2024

John Hunter Pathology’s Tracey Riley has called time on her career in NSW Health Pathology after 34 years as a Technical Officer with the Chemistry team.

Start­ing in New­cas­tle on 4 Sep­tem­ber 1990, Tracey admits she nev­er real­ly planned a career in pathology.

“What made me want to fol­low a pro­fes­sion in pathol­o­gy? Well, I kind of just fell into it,” she said.

“I was­n’t sure what I want­ed to do after high school, uni or TAFE, I grabbed a hand­book and looked at all the cours­es and came across pathol­o­gy and thought ‘yes that looks interesting’.”

Tracey found what fol­lowed was a ful­fill­ing career that served the community.

“It’s been reward­ing to know that I have been a part of an organ­i­sa­tion that has grown and adapt­ed to change and that through it all pro­duced and con­tin­ues to pro­duce qual­i­ty results aid­ing doc­tors and patients alike.

“It’s been a priv­i­lege to have worked along­side my col­leagues who strive to deliv­er every shift 24/7.”

Look­ing back, Tracey can’t help but think of the peo­ple she has worked with over the years.

From work­ing the late shift in the lab, to team-build­ing week­ends fea­tur­ing “a bit of mis­chief”, Tracey forged many strong friendships.

“I have worked with lots of dif­fer­ent peo­ple over the years and have made many friends. Those friend­ships, I hope, will be everlasting”.

As for her retire­ment plans, Tracey is look­ing for­ward to spend­ing more time with her fam­i­ly and friends as well as hop­ping back into the van with her hus­band David to go on some grey nomad adventures.

Con­grat­u­la­tions on a fan­tas­tic career Tracey!

Your dry sense of humour and love of choco­late will not be soon for­got­ten. You will be missed dearly.





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