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Rapidly building a pipeline of critical talent to fill roles via statewide bulk recruitment campaigns as a new and innovative way to approach recruitment.
The importance of exploring innovative ways to seek and attract the right people for the right roles has never been more important than now.
We are only ever as good as our people and are committed to supporting our professional growth, development and capabilities to deliver the specialist services our communities and partners rely on us for.
As a result of the workforce impacts of COVID-19, NSW Health Pathology established a Recruitment and Capacity Building Working Party to explore options and strategies for how best we develop and support people and culture, in line with our strategic priorities.
One of the strategies identified by this working party was to rapidly build a pipeline of critical talent to fill roles via statewide bulk recruitment campaigns as a new and innovative way to approach recruitment.
As a long-term strategy, bulk recruitment campaigns are not designed to replace our current way of recruiting, rather complement our current processes and support local recruitment actions when there is a need. It offers us a streamlined way of recruiting multiple people to multiple roles at different locations while also creating a greater opportunity to rapidly build our eligibility lists for future recruitment needs and support the increased number of COVID-19 related roles.
This additional approach to the way we attract and recruit talent is another example of how we, as one statewide team, display our pioneering spirit – for all of us. NSW Health Pathology are leading the way with this initiative and are excited to collaborate and share our learnings and results with our NSW Health colleagues.