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Our 2022 NSW Health Pathology Awards was well worth the wait. With 200 guests in the room on Wednesday 26 October, and many more tuning into our live stream, the celebration was at an all-time high.
Uncle Michael West, our guest from the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Lands Council, welcomed us to Country and shared his passion and connections to his land, and the Secretary of Health, Susan Pearce, gave a very warm speech that was filled with gratitude for the achievements and determination of our organisation.
The opportunity to gather together in such a unique way was a privilege. It was a true highlight to see the achievements and hard work of all our 2022 finalists being recognised.
And our 2022 winners are…
Team awards
- Our Lismore lab won the Keeping People Safe and Healthy Team award for their response to the devastating floods that hit Lismore.
- Our PoCT Team, Laboratory and ICT Operations, and IMT were named winners of the Delivering Truly Connected Care award for implementing Roche Liat for Covid-19 solutions. They set up Liat analysers across NSW early in the pandemic.
- Our akuna Specimen Tracking Program Team won the award for Contributing to Better Health and Justice systems. This clever team designed and developed akuna, which lets us know where every precious patient specimen is at all times once we receive it.
- Our Statewide Education Series Multidisciplinary Team won the People and Culture award for their Scientific and Technical Statewide Education Series established to overcome pandemic-related social and professional isolation.
- Our Genomics Lab at Prince of Wales took home the Recognising our Pioneering Spirit award. They’ve broken new ground in Australian medicine in recent years, establishing a range of critical reproductive genomic services.
- Our Outstanding Sustainability Volunteers won the Environmental Sustainability award. These environment champions have lobbied vendors, established plastics recycling at their worksites, and are dedicated to sustainability.
Individual awards
- Jacob Birdsall was named winner of the Research Excellence award. As the PoCT Coordinator at Royal North Shore, Jacob led a project to design, build and implement a system to analyse data from the Roche Liat COVID testing devices.
- Our RITE Staff Member for 2022 is Gayle Warnock, Manager of our Point of Care Testing network. Gayle helped establish 6 rapid COVID testing clinics in Sydney and community testing in Far North West NSW, and proved an exemplary leader.
- The winner of our Collaborative, Connected Leader award is Dr Peter Newton, Illawarra/Shoalhaven Local Pathology Director. A hands-on leader and problem solver.
Special Commendation
A special moment in our awards ceremony was honouring Dr Annabelle Mahar, who sadly passed away this year. We truly were fortunate to have Annabelle as a part of NSW Health Pathology and she was a very deserving finalist in the RITE Staff Member category this year. It was a privilege to acknowledge and celebrate her with a special commendation that was accepted on her behalf by members of her family.
Chief Executive award
The 2022 Chief Executive Award was awarded to the Inception of Regional Molecular Pathology – Wagga Wagga, Dubbo, SERH Bega, ICPMR Westmead Microbiology. A truly inspiring collaboration.
And last but not least
Congratulations to all 10 winners, as well as the many finalists and nominees who were a part of this year’s NSW Health Pathology Awards.