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Test Information

Find out about some of our most common pathology tests.

Beta HCG Pregnancy test

HCG (human chorionic gondatropin) is a hormone produced by the placenta. HCG tests confirm pregnancy and can diagnose or monitor certain pregnancy-related conditions. We can test a blood sample from….

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Blood culture

Blood cultures enable the detection of bacteria and/or fungus in the blood and guide the appropriate selection of antimicrobials. Two or more blood samples drawn from separate sites (commonly from….

Medicare rebatable Appointment not required

C–reactive protein

CRP is a liver protein that can indicate inflammation related to arthritis or other autoimmune disorders. It can also detect post-surgical infection. We take a blood sample from a vein….

Medicare rebatable Appointment not required

CA 125

CA-125 is a protein found on ovarian cancer cells and in some normal tissues. While it is used as a marker for ovarian cancer, it can also indicate other non-cancerous….

Medicare rebatable Appointment not required

CA 15–3

CA 15-3 is a protein shed by tumours and is most often used to monitor response to breast cancer treatment or to test for breast cancer re-occurrence. We take a….

Medicare rebatable Appointment not required


High cholesterol indicates increased risk of heart disease and stroke. We need a blood sample from a vein in your arm or a prick from a finger to test your….

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You will need a crossmatch or compatibility test if it’s possible you may need a blood transfusion as part of your medical treatment. We’ll need a blood sample from your….

Medicare rebatable Appointment not required

Culture urine

Urine cultures detect urinary tract infections, where yeasts and bacteria multiply and cause infection making it painful to urinate. We’ll need a mid-stream urine sample in a yellow-lidded container..

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Electrolytes Urea Creatinine

These tests are usually ordered to assess kidney function. Urea and creatinine are bi-products of bodily functions that need to be expelled. Electrolytes are minerals that help move nutrients and….

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Full blood count

These show what kinds of cells are in your blood and in what number: red and white blood cells, platelets etc. FBCs can diagnose a range of disorders including anaemia….

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Glucose fasting

This test detects blood sugar levels in people who may be pregnant or have diabetes or other conditions. It requires fasting, which means no food or drinks other than water….

Medicare rebatable Appointment not required

Glucose tolerance test (GTT)

This test detects blood sugar levels in people who may be pregnant or have diabetes or other conditions. Please make an appointment and plan your day as you will be….

Medicare rebatable Appointment required


This test is used to diagnose and monitor diabetes. HbA1c forms when glucose in your blood binds with haemoglobin. The amount of HbA1c correlates to how much glucose is in….

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This pancreatic hormone controls glucose in our blood. Insulin and glucose levels work in balance, potentially deadly hypoglycaemia or low blood glucose can occur if the body secretes the wrong….

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Iron studies

Iron ensures we have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen around bodies. Low iron levels can lead to anaemia (not enough red cells). Some people have too much iron….

Medicare rebatable Appointment not required

Liver function tests

A blood sample from your arm is all we need to perform an LFT – or liver function test. Doctors use these to detect and monitor acute and chronic liver….

Medicare rebatable Appointment not required


Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) tests are used if you have heart failure or associated symptoms such as shortness of breath and fatigue. BNP is a hormone produced in the heart….

Appointment not required

Prostate specific antigen

We test for the prostate specific antigen (PSA) to diagnose and monitor prostate cancer. We’ll need a blood sample from your arm. If you’re on a high dose of Biotin,….

Medicare rebatable Appointment not required

Rheumatoid factor

RF tests are ordered if your doctor thinks you have symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis or Sjogren’s syndrome, an inflammatory disorder mainly in women over 50 which dries out mucous membranes.….

Medicare rebatable Appointment not required

Rubella Ab

This test is useful to determine if you have had a recent or past infection of Rubella or German measles, should you have symptoms or plan to get pregnant. We….

Medicare rebatable Appointment not required

Thyroid function tests

The test measures the amount of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) in your blood. Thyroid tests for babies require a heel prick, and for children and adults a blood sample from your….

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