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Ms Kristen Palmer

Ms Kristen Palmer

Statewide Genomics Project Manager

Awabakal. Ms Kristen Palmer

Kris­ten is an expe­ri­enced Project Man­ag­er who has worked in health for more than 20 years man­ag­ing a diverse range of com­plex projects in both clin­i­cal and research envi­ron­ments. Over the last 7 years, Kris­ten has been an inte­gral part of the Statewide Genomics team work­ing close­ly with ICT and Bioin­for­mat­ics to deliv­er a range of Genomics ICT projects. Kris­ten has exper­tise in work­ing with genomics cloud soft­ware ven­dors, con­tract man­age­ment as well as knowl­edge of the Pri­va­cy and Secu­ri­ty Assur­ance Frame­work. Kris­ten is skilled in all aspects of project man­age­ment, change man­age­ment and stake­hold­er management.


Genomics Strategy & Transformation


Strategy & Transformation

Sets strategic direction and drives service transformation to meet the evolving needs of patients and partners in healthcare. Responsible for planning, performance and innovation, and operational management of genomics, point of care testing and six clinical streams.

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