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Mr. Craig Scowen

Mr. Craig Scowen

Data Scientist

Awabakal. Mr. Craig Scowen

Craig has a back­ground in advanced ana­lyt­ics and pre­dic­tive mod­el­ling, hold­ing senior posi­tions in the finan­cial, pub­lish­ing, soft­ware and health sec­tors across Asia Pacific.

Obtain­ing a master’s degree in dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions and with exten­sive expe­ri­ence in con­tex­tu­al design and user expe­ri­ence Craig is cur­rent­ly lead­ing the New South Wales Health Pathol­o­gy Atlas of Vari­a­tion and Qual­i­ty Use of Pathol­o­gy pro­grams. These solu­tions are used to ini­ti­ate improve­ment projects through part­ner­ships with LHDs and pil­lars such as ACI to improve pathol­o­gy order­ing pro­files in emer­gency depart­ments and inten­sive care units.

The longer term goals of projects such as the Pathol­o­gy Atlas is around embed­ding intel­li­gence into deci­sion sup­port and clin­i­cal sys­tems to deliv­er bet­ter health out­comes for the peo­ple of New South Wales.


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