We accept all test referrals. Find a Collection Centre


Make a Payment

We bulk bill all pathology tests covered by the Australian Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS).

You may need to pay for non-MBS or specialised tests.

Talk to your doctor before visiting us to understand if there will be any out-of-pocket expenses.

Have a question? Contact our Revenue team at [email protected] or on 1300 770 769.

For more information on paying for pathology tests and Medicare, see healthdirect.

Payment options

We offer a number of ways for you to make a payment:

Use our secure online payment option to pay your account using your credit card.

You will need your:

  • Invoice or Bill Reference Number and
  • Medical Reference Number (MRN).

This information can be found on your invoice.

If you choose to pay online, you will be redirected to a secure Westpac website where your information will be protected. If the payment page isn’t loading, ensure your security settings are adjusted to allow pop-ups from NSW Health Pathology’s website.

Once payment is securely made, a receipt can be sent to a nominated email address.


Pay online now  

Present your invoice at any NSW Health Pathology collection centre. Please note that we do not accept cash and some collection centres do not have EFTPOS machines. We can arrange for payment to be made through our payment portal.

Phone our finance team on the phone number listed on your invoice between 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Please have your credit card ready.

NSW Health does not sur­charge for pay­ment via deb­it or cred­it card. No oth­er fees are charged relat­ing to the cost of the pay­ment method being used by a mem­ber of the public.

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