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Home Awards 2022

Sustainable gardening

Finalist | Environmental sustainability Sutherland

Things are green­er for the Suther­land Lab­o­ra­to­ry team, since Med­ical Lab­o­ra­to­ry Tech­ni­cian Belin­da McLach­lan donned her gar­den­ing gloves and used her breaks to estab­lish a herb and veg­ie patch for the team to enjoy.

As a gar­den­ing enthu­si­ast, Belin­da saw that the cor­ner of the court­yard where staff enjoy the sun­shine dur­ing their tea breaks and lunch, looked tired and need­ed some TLC, “just like our staff”.

The result is a thriv­ing gar­den with zuc­chi­nis (with flow­ers), sil­ver beet, rhubarb, toma­toes, pars­ley, thyme and mint.

Demon­strat­ing envi­ron­men­tal lead­er­ship and com­mit­ment to gen­uine­ly mak­ing a dif­fer­ence – this self-inspired project by Belin­da has cre­at­ed inter­est and enjoy­ment among the team.

Every­one is wel­come to get involved in adding to the gar­den and poten­tial­ly expand­ing the vari­ety of plants or can just enjoy a few qui­et moments and a change of scene.

This small, inclu­sive project is a great exam­ple of the com­mit­ment NSW Health Pathol­o­gy staff have to mak­ing their work­place bet­ter and includ­ing any­one who wants to get involved.

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