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Home Awards 2022

Supporting the community in Lismore floods team

Winner | Keeping people safe and healthy Lismore Laboratory Team

In Feb­ru­ary this year, Lis­more and the North­ern Rivers region was hit by tor­ren­tial rain that saw the Wil­son Riv­er rise two metres above its pre­vi­ous record height.

Lev­ee banks broke and large areas of the town went under.

Flood waters lapped at the front step of our Lis­more lab­o­ra­to­ry. Staff sand­bagged the door­way and moved equip­ment to high­er ground so test­ing could con­tin­ue if the lab flooded.

Hous­es and busi­ness­es were destroyed leav­ing many peo­ple home­less, includ­ing some of our NSW Health Pathol­o­gy col­leagues who lost their hous­es and pos­ses­sions. Roads were cut leav­ing oth­er col­leagues strand­ed for extend­ed peri­ods. Near­by towns were iso­lat­ed pre­vent­ing spec­i­mens reach­ing our lab.

The town hadn’t even begun to recov­er when in March, the riv­er broke its banks again, inun­dat­ing the town and hin­der­ing the clean-up and any progress that had been achieved.

Heart­break­ing as it was, our Lis­more team was undaunt­ed because they knew peo­ple were depend­ing on them to con­tin­ue to pro­vide vital pub­lic pathol­o­gy services.

Gal­vanised by dis­as­ter and ener­gised by the cama­raderie of their close team and gen­er­ous sup­port from our Tweed, Grafton and Coffs Har­bour labs, they kept going.

Staff who were able to get to work cov­ered for col­leagues who were iso­lat­ed, work­ing their shifts to main­tain ser­vices. They part­nered with emer­gency ser­vices to retrieve spec­i­mens from iso­lat­ed com­mu­ni­ties, and with Lifeblood to restock blood supplies. 

Despite the chaos, iso­la­tion and dis­rup­tion to their per­son­al lives, the team worked tire­less­ly to ensure undis­rupt­ed diag­nos­tic ser­vice for our North­ern Rivers patients and clinicians.

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