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Home Awards 2023

Katie Rutkowski

Finalist | Collaborative connected leader ICT Project Manager

Katie’s nom­i­nees cit­ed her strong lead­er­ship in deliv­er­ing NSW Health Pathology’s Infor­ma­tion and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Tech­nol­o­gy Sup­port Cen­tre which they said was matched by her abil­i­ty to fos­ter col­lab­o­ra­tion and find new ways of doing things to improve our work­place and services.

They char­ac­terised Katie’s lead­er­ship as one ground­ed in trust, open com­mu­ni­ca­tion and a gen­uine desire to har­ness the col­lec­tive knowl­edge, ideas and skills of the teams and stake­hold­ers she works with. She val­ues inclu­siv­i­ty in col­lab­o­ra­tions and utilis­es new ways of work­ing to ensure all project team mem­bers, includ­ing those work­ing in vir­tu­al set­tings, expe­ri­ence being heard, val­ued and respect­ed, regard­less of their posi­tion, expe­ri­ence or background.

Katie’s col­leagues have described her as “a sup­port­ive men­tor and coach, will­ing to help team mem­bers devel­op their skills and achieve their goals. She pro­vides con­struc­tive feed­back and acknowl­edg­ment for their con­tri­bu­tion. Katie also empow­ers team mem­bers to ‘own’ their ideas and projects, by pro­vid­ing auton­o­my and sup­port when needed”.

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