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Home Awards 2023

Developing our Future Leaders

Finalist | People and culture South/East HR and Organisational Development

A large por­tion of retire­ments, inter­nal sec­ond­ments and vacant posi­tions led to a gap in lead­er­ship skills, knowl­edge and exper­tise with­in the work­force. The South/East HR team and Statewide Organ­i­sa­tion­al Devel­op­ment Team saw a need to rethink how they invest­ed in build­ing fur­ther capa­bil­i­ties with­in exist­ing staff.

The Senior Hos­pi­tal Sci­en­tist Devel­op­ment Pro­gram was devel­oped by util­is­ing exist­ing train­ing pro­grams and tai­lor­ing them to be fit-for-pur­pose for the spe­cif­ic needs of Senior Hos­pi­tal Sci­en­tists with­in the South/East oper­a­tional area.

Not only did the pro­gram devel­op skills and lead­er­ship capa­bil­i­ties, it also cre­at­ed a devel­op­ment path­way and fos­tered a cul­tur­al of con­tin­u­al growth and learning.

The pro­gram has pro­mot­ed col­lab­o­ra­tion, trust and inno­va­tion with­in the cohort of Senior Hos­pi­tal Sci­en­tists and ensures they pro­vide the best ser­vice to their patients.

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