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Take a bow Margaret

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27th September, 2022

After a 39-year career in public pathology, Margaret Holschier has closed the door of our Deniliquin Lab for the last time.

After a 39-year career in pub­lic pathol­o­gy, Mar­garet Holschi­er has closed the door of NSW Health Pathology’s Deniliquin Lab for the last time on 1 July 2022.

Mar­garet has been a famil­iar face around the lab and Deniliquin Health Ser­vice, hav­ing worked many roles includ­ing Super­vis­ing Sci­en­tist, Hos­pi­tal Sci­en­tist and Tech­ni­cal Officer.

Mar­garet was drawn to work­ing in pathol­o­gy after a fam­i­ly mem­ber devel­oped a blood dis­ease and it made her curi­ous about this less­er-known profession.

Reflect­ing on her reward­ing career, Mar­garet is proud of the high stan­dard of pathol­o­gy test­ing and her role in look­ing after peo­ple –help­ing the doc­tors, nurs­ing staff and allied health teams to care for patients, and just being there to care for local peo­ple (at all hours of the day and night).

Mar­garet has pro­vid­ed an invalu­able rur­al and region­al per­spec­tive as part of NSW Health Pathology’s Micro­bi­ol­o­gy Clin­i­cal Stream, and she’s wran­gled COVID-19 and the logis­tics of pro­vid­ing test­ing in South­ern NSW, and across state borders.

We appre­ci­ate and thank you Mar­garet for your com­pas­sion, ded­i­ca­tion, sup­port and friendship.

We wish you a long and hap­py retire­ment that involves plen­ty of read­ing, sleep­ing, learn­ing the piano, trav­el­ling and crack­ing the dai­ly wordle!


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