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Tayla Ferguson and Logan Chapman began traineeships at NSW Health Pathology’s Gosford laboratory in 2024. They’re both excited about a future career in healthcare.
Logan (pictured above right) began a traineeship in Collections at Gosford in June 2024, having previously worked in hairdressing and aged care.
She says after spending a lot of time in hospital after her son was born, she realised her career goals had changed, and she wanted to work in hospitals to help people.
“I love working here at Gosford and have learnt so much in a short time,” Logan said.
“It feels like a family, and I don’t want to leave.”
She says juggling full-time work and family has been a challenge, but she’s had a great support network.
“I’ve been supported throughout my traineeship and I’m always willing to learn more. I love making patients smile and I feel like I am making a difference to their experience in the hospital.
“I love going to work everyday and now that I’ve completed my Certificate III in Pathology Collection, I’ll be looking to get work in the hospital.”
Collections Manager, Stacey McKinnon says Logan was a perfect fit for the Gosford collections team.
“Logan clearly enjoyed all that she has learned, finishing her TAFE units in just over 3 months,” Stacey said.
“It hasn’t been easy changing careers and being a mum of 2, but Logan has tackled the traineeship with ease.
“We are excited to see where this traineeship takes her!”
Tayla Ferguson (pictured left) also began her traineeship at NSW Health Pathology in June 2024, hoping it would be a great way to get experience working in the health system and gain a qualification. She is currently studying a Certificate III in Pathology Collection.
She’s always had a passion for helping people and was interested in nursing or becoming a paramedic.
“I am so glad I did the traineeship as it has allowed me to work and study and see if I want to go down a nursing or paramedic pathway,” she said.
“I now have a clear view of how to plan for my next steps with work and study.”
Tayla will be qualified to continue working in pathology and says it’s been a valuable pathway into more study.
“I would recommend a traineeship to anyone. Especially before jumping into four years at uni if you are not quite sure what you want to do.”
Collections trainer at Gosford, Claire Padgett, says Tayla proved to be a fast learner, asking lots of relevant questions along the way.
“Tayla came to us in her first year out of school, but she was keen to learn,” Claire said.
“She spent 8 weeks with us prior to starting TAFE, and in that short time Tayla had learned to collect blood independently, as well as general admin duties within the clinic.
“She fits in really well with the team and we wish her all the best with whatever comes next.”