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Jo farewells pathology after 43 years of service

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31st May, 2024

Jo Putra has been a mainstay around Hunter pathology labs for 43 years, and last week she hung up the gown for the last time.

Jo is retir­ing from her role as a Tech­ni­cal Offi­cer in the Bio­chem­istry depart­ment at our John Hunter pathol­o­gy lab.

The world of pathol­o­gy has seen mas­sive changes since Jo’s first day on the job in 1980.

“Those years includ­ed after-hours call work with tests being assayed on indi­vid­ual analy­sers and where all results were hand­writ­ten in ledgers, not like nowa­days!” Jo explained.

Dur­ing her career, Jo has been part of her fair share of major events that have helped shape the Hunter community.

From par­tic­i­pat­ing in the NBN telethon that fund­ed the New Med build­ing at John Hunter Hos­pi­tal, to being evac­u­at­ed dur­ing the New­cas­tle earth­quake, all the way to work­ing in the lab dur­ing the tur­bu­lent years of the COVID pandemic.

Jo quick­ly devel­oped a rep­u­ta­tion as a hard work­er who was nev­er afraid to go above and beyond.

“I can gen­uine­ly say I have put 100 per­cent into every day of those 43 years with a work eth­ic learned in those first “hard but fair” years,” Jo said.

“With pride, I can say I have helped pass that work eth­ic on to our three, now adult children.”

Through­out her years in the lab, Jo was an inte­gral mem­ber of the tight-knit team at the John Hunter pathol­o­gy lab­o­ra­to­ries – a bond that will continue.

“I will miss the cama­raderie and ban­ter with my col­leagues but have built friend­ships that will last into retirement.”

Being a New­cas­tle Knights die-hard sup­port­er, a fre­quent fly­er to Bali, and hav­ing a close, lov­ing fam­i­ly, Jo has her retire­ment plans sorted.

“I look for­ward to a future that involves more time with my hus­band, fam­i­ly, friends, spend­ing qual­i­ty time at our home here and in Bali, more trav­el, fol­low­ing my beloved Knights team and a life devoid of ros­ters!” she said.

“I also hold onto hope of a career as a grand­moth­er rel­a­tive­ly soon!”

Jo, thank you for all your years of ded­i­cat­ed ser­vice, you will be dear­ly missed.



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