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After a 43-year career in pathology, Director of Operations – NSW Health Pathology North’s Scott Jansson is retiring. He’s worked all over NSW in various lab-based roles – working his way up from Trainee Technical Officer to Scientific Officer, manager and administrator.
NSW Health Pathology (NSWHP) is celebrating the career of Scott Jansson, Director of Operations, North and medical scientist, as he retires after 43 years working in pathology.
Scott has been part of NSW Health Pathology since 2016 when he joined as the Clinical Streams Co-ordinator, but his days in pathology started back in 1980 where he first donned the white lab coat as a Technical Officer at the Royal Newcastle Hospital.
Scott admits he didn’t intend to end up working in pathology.
“I was planning on being a teacher, but I was accepted into the Laboratory Science course in Wagga Wagga, so I decided to give it a try. At first I thought it was a mistake, but in hindsight, it was blessing for me (and in some way, for the students I might have taught!),” Scott said.
“We rely on pathology for medical diagnoses, treatment development, and a host of other medical breakthroughs. I’ve enjoyed helping people find answers that matter and that have made a difference to their treatment.”
Early in his career, Scott moved from the Royal Newcastle Hospital and spent three years working in microbiology at the Dubbo Hospital lab, before spending five years at Royal North Shore Hospital lab in Haematology.
Scott moved on to various roles at labs in Canberra, Ballarat, Adelaide and Melbourne – working his way up from Trainee Technical Officer to Scientific Officer and Manager.
“I sound a bit like Australian country singer Geoff Mack’s song, ‘I’ve been everywhere, man’.”
Most recently Scott has been the Acting Director of NSWHP’s South and Director of NSWHP’s North, overseeing 20 laboratories covering North Sydney, Central Coast, Hunter New England, Mid North Coast and Northern NSW LHDs.
“It’s been a career highlight to work alongside so many great and dedicated people,” Scott said.
“I’m especially proud of the dedication of staff during the COVID-19 pandemic and seeing the value that public pathology services can bring to the community and the healthcare system.
“I’m also proud to have worked as part of the team that established public pathology services back at Port Macquarie Base Hospital last year, as well as many new labs across the NSWHP statewide network.”
In retirement, Scott plans to take the same approach he took with his work.
“I’ll just keep making it up as I go along. I hope to do plenty of travel and take up a new hobby – something that keeps me curious.”
All the best for your retirement Scott, we’ll miss you!