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Caring is in the genes

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27th September, 2022

We are family. I’ve got all my sisters and me… We’d love to introduce you to our father-daughter trio, Tony Austin and his daughters Karla and Hayley who not only live together, but have the pleasure of working together in our Royal North Shore laboratory.

Meet Tony, who has been our Couri­er Man­ag­er at North­ern Syd­ney for the past 13 years and is respon­si­ble for ensur­ing pre­cious spec­i­mens are tak­en to our labs for testing.

Kar­la (left) and Hay­ley (right) have fol­lowed in their Dad’s foot­steps and both work in our Roy­al North Shore lab. Kar­la is a Tech­ni­cal Assis­tant in the Spec­i­men Recep­tion Team and Hay­ley is Tech­ni­cal Assis­tant in the Send­aways Department.

Kar­la and Hay­ley were inspired by their par­ents’ health careers and that’s influ­enced their pas­sion for help­ing people.

Tony enjoys work­ing with his daugh­ters (so he can keep a close eye on them!) and the girls say there are many perks to work­ing with Dad, like get­ting a free ride to work and raid­ing his snack draw­er! When it gets real­ly busy, they know they always have each other’s support.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, Tony does­n’t have a Dad joke on hand, but every Fri­day or Sat­ur­day night he can be heard ask­ing “where are you going and who are you going with?” – spo­ken like a true Dad.

As a fam­i­ly, the Austin’s love their two dogs, spend­ing time togeth­er in the great out­doors, or on the sport­ing field, either as play­ers, coach­es and spectators.

Tony, Kar­la and Hay­ley – car­ing for oth­ers is in your genes and we thank you for every­thing you do at NSW Health Pathology.

Want to work for us? Check out all our cur­rent vacan­cies here :  https://bit.ly/3QS9hc9


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