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Ms. Tammy Boone

Ms. Tammy Boone

Director, Legal and Corporate Governance

She/her. Awabakal. Ms. Tammy Boone

Tam­my Boone is a cor­po­rate gov­er­nance exec­u­tive and qual­i­fied lawyer with exten­sive expe­ri­ence deliv­er­ing risk and com­pli­ance advice across the pub­lic and pri­vate sec­tors. She pro­vides strate­gic lead­er­ship and over­sight of our legal, risk man­age­ment, inter­nal audit, pol­i­cy, pri­va­cy, records man­age­ment and GIPA func­tions, and is a lead advi­sor to the Board, Audit and Risk Com­mit­tee and Chief Exec­u­tive on sig­nif­i­cant legal and gov­er­nance matters.

Pri­or to join­ing NSW Health Pathol­o­gy, she held a range of legal roles in the pub­lic and pri­vate sec­tors, includ­ing a 10-year stint with the CSIRO.


Corporate & Support Services


Corporate & Support Services

Supports delivery of efficient, effective and transparent services. Includes legal, risk management, internal audit, policy, privacy, records management and GIPA (freedom of information) functions.

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