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Mr. Peter Tomlinson

Mr. Peter Tomlinson

Laboratory Manager, Bowral

Gundungurra. Mr. Peter Tomlinson

Peter is cur­rent­ly the Lab­o­ra­to­ry Man­ag­er at Bowral. He is a well qual­i­fied Med­ical Sci­en­tist hav­ing worked in the pathol­o­gy health­care envi­ron­ment for four decades.

As a sci­en­tist and man­ag­ing sci­en­tist, he has proven skills in Micro­bi­ol­o­gy, Haema­tol­ogy, Blood Trans­fu­sion Med­i­cine, Clin­i­cal Chem­istry along with sig­nif­i­cant com­put­er and qual­i­ty sys­tem skills. A sig­nif­i­cant under­stand­ing of the goals required to meet cus­tomer, patient, organ­i­sa­tion and gov­er­nance expec­ta­tion and requirements.

Peter enjoys build­ing strong rela­tion­ships and rap­port with col­leagues at South­ern Local Health Dis­trict to sup­port their needs around all ser­vices where NSW Health Pathol­o­gy interacts.

Peter was the Oper­a­tions Man­ag­er at South­ern, over­see­ing pathol­o­gy oper­a­tions at South­ern Local Health Dis­trict which includes lab­o­ra­to­ries such as Bega, Cooma, Goul­burn, Moruya and Queenbeyan.


Chemical Pathology Haematology Human Resources Microbiology Pre and Post-Analytics Transfusion


Chemical Pathology

Our chemical pathologists analyse chemicals in our body fluids and tissues to help diagnose and manage disease. They play a unique dual role of doctor-scientist, looking at changes in human body chemistry for screening, diagnosis, prognosis and management.


Our haematologists help diagnose and treat blood diseases and cancers.


Our microbiologists and virologists are critical to NSW public health and emergency responses to pathogen-borne disease, and their expertise is recognised world-wide.


Our transfusion service is critical to the operation of emergency and in-patient care across NSW.

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