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Miss Kate Xuereb

Miss Kate Xuereb

A/ Recruitment and Workforce Business Partner

Awabakal. Miss Kate Xuereb

Kate is Act­ing Recruit­ment and Work­force Busi­ness Part­ner work­ing as part of the HR Sup­port Ser­vices team based in the pic­turesque city of New­cas­tle. As part of her role as Recruit­ment and Work­force Busi­ness Part­ner, Kate is respon­si­ble for man­ag­ing the pro­vi­sion of end to end recruit­ment ser­vices to port­fo­lio clients. Kate sup­ports the recruit­ment activ­i­ties of the Foren­sic and Ana­lyt­i­cal Sci­ence Ser­vice across Syd­ney, New­cas­tle and Wol­lon­gong as well as the cor­po­rate and Fusion port­fo­lios. Kate has assist­ed on and led bulk recruit­ments and assess­ment cen­tre facil­i­ta­tions to allow for a high cal­i­bre tal­ent pool for our net­works. To main­tain the best prac­tice recruit­ment and con­tin­ue to retain the RITE tal­ent, Kate sup­ports and part­ners close­ly with our NSWHP stakeholders.


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