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Miss Jessica Shepherd

Miss Jessica Shepherd

Project Officer

Awabakal. Miss Jessica Shepherd

As a project offi­cer for ICT Ser­vices Jes­si­ca heads mul­ti­ple IT projects to improve and build upon var­i­ous aspects of the IT envi­ron­ments staff rely on dai­ly. She works towards projects that make oth­ers jobs eas­i­er and more effi­cient. She often works with oth­er health entity’s or part­ners and coor­di­nates work between IT staff.

Jes­si­ca also heads the NSW Health Pathol­o­gy Mobiles Team that man­ages all cel­lu­lar devices and ser­vices for pathol­o­gy across NSW. She man­ages orders and com­mu­ni­ca­tion with our Tel­stra part­ners and man­ages the Mobile Device Man­age­ment system.

Jes­si­ca addi­tion­al­ly assists in the man­age­ment and main­te­nance of some IT sys­tems used by pathol­o­gy employ­ees and pro­motes an envi­ron­ment of col­lab­o­ra­tion and coop­er­a­tion to pro­vide the best solutions.


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