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Louise Carey

Acting Associate Director of Genomics

Louise Carey

Louise Carey is a Clin­i­cal Sci­en­tist and Fel­low of the RCPA Fac­ul­ty of Sci­ence and Human Genet­ics Soci­ety of Aus­trala­sia, with over 25 years’ expe­ri­ence in diag­nos­tic Genet­ics and Genomics in pri­vate and pub­lic health set­tings. Louise was 2IC at Cyto­ge­net­ics at the Children’s Hos­pi­tal West­mead and Prin­ci­pal Sci­en­tist in Genet­ics at POW Hos­pi­tal Rand­wick before com­menc­ing as Act­ing Asso­ciate Direc­tor of Genomics in 2023. Louise is the cur­rent co-chair of the NSW Health IT Infra­struc­ture Com­mit­tee and a mem­ber of NSW Health Genomics Steer­ing com­mit­tee. She is the Deputy Prin­ci­pal Exam­in­er for the RCPA Fac­ul­ty of Sci­ence in Med­ical Genomics, past Chair of the Aus­tralian Soci­ety of Diag­nos­tic Genomics and has served as a Cytoge­nom­ic QAP asses­sor for the ASDG QAP. Louise has a strong inter­est in Cytoge­nomics, qual­i­ty man­age­ment, train­ing, and education.



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