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Home Awards 2023

John Tran

Finalist | Collaborative connected leader Lead Business Analyst – South

John was nom­i­nat­ed by his lead­ers and this part of the sub­mis­sion per­fect­ly sums up how he embod­ies being a col­lab­o­ra­tive and con­nect­ed leader … “John leads by exam­ple, demon­strates def­er­ence to exper­tise when sup­port­ing col­leagues and nev­er makes you feel like a sec­ond-class cit­i­zen in the ever advanc­ing and con­fus­ing world of tech­nol­o­gy.  Instead, he embraces your exist­ing knowl­edge base, builds on this and works along­side you to ensure a com­mon goal is met, no mat­ter which path the jour­ney may take.

They not­ed that John is always gen­er­ous with shar­ing knowl­edge and exper­tise in a way that any­one could under­stand despite the com­plex­i­ties. His humil­i­ty, dili­gence and con­ta­gious enthu­si­asm were all lead­er­ship traits they drew atten­tion to.

“John is the type of per­son that is the engine, soul, and fab­ric of NSWHP. He would nev­er think he deserves recog­ni­tion and cer­tain­ly not an award nomination”.

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