The Sustainability Site Champions nominated for this award are a small subset of the Sustainability Champions Working Group, who dedicate their time, energy and passion into promoting environmental sustainability at NSW Health Pathology.
Our nominees are people who take their commitment to environmental sustainability seriously, at work and at home. A number have shared their personal projects with their colleagues and provide inspiration and motivation to others through their passion and commitment.
These Champions have undertaken local projects at their worksites and built relationships to make NSW Health Pathology visible to other environmental advocates across NSW Health.
Nominees have worked to garner local health district support to establish on-site recycling of plastics, foam, batteries and electrical waste, and have cut disposables out of work processes to reduce landfill-bound waste.
They have built relationships with other sustainability groups and champions across Health; lobbied vendors to make pro-environment changes; and have provided leadership in the workplace to promote sustainability.
Our Sustainability Site Champions represent a broad cross section of staff across the State in all roles and capacities. Most have never met or worked together, but they share a commitment to making sure NSW Health Pathology is an organisation they can feel good about in terms of its environmental efforts and policies.
We are proud these nominees provide a highly visible example to all our staff that if you are passionate, committed, and want to effect change, you can put your hand up and be part of something with the support of the organisation.