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Welcome Kevin Stanley – Associate Director Aboriginal Partnerships and Inclusion

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18th July, 2023

Kevin Stanley is a proud Wiradjuri man with a passion for fostering relationships between Aboriginal communities, businesses and the broader community and we’re excited he’ll be working with us here at NSW Health Pathology.

Kevin has been appoint­ed NSW Health Pathology’s new Asso­ciate Direc­tor Abo­rig­i­nal Part­ner­ships and Inclusion.

A Wirad­juri man, born on Gadi­gal coun­try and raised on Gun­dun­gur­ra land, Kevin’s career has been all about work­ing towards eco­nom­ic equal­i­ty for com­mu­ni­ty via employ­ment and procurement.

He says he’s look­ing for­ward to mak­ing a dif­fer­ence at Australia’s largest pub­lic pathol­o­gy and foren­sic sci­ence service.

“I’m excit­ed at the poten­tial for real and mea­sur­able out­comes for both NSW Health Pathol­o­gy and the wider com­mu­ni­ty,” he said.

Kevin’s key strengths are his abil­i­ty to con­nect and estab­lish strong part­ner­ships, to improve per­for­mance, and to bring peo­ple along for the journey.

“I’m keen to work for an organ­i­sa­tion aligned with my val­ues where I can use my skills with an end goal of improv­ing the lives of Indige­nous peo­ple and communities.”

When it comes to improv­ing health out­comes for First Nations com­mu­ni­ties, Kevin notes that, in many cas­es, the gaps are widen­ing rather than closing.

“It is my per­son­al belief that, as a soci­ety, there are low expec­ta­tions for mob, lead­ing to neg­a­tive gen­er­al­i­sa­tions, based on soci­etal perception.

“To help close the gap, per­cep­tion needs to change, and the bar of expec­ta­tion should be raised. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, change like this takes time. There’s no quick fix here.”

As a father of two, Kevin says his life away from work usu­al­ly revolves around the inter­ests of his kids.

But his down­time includes activ­i­ties such as med­i­ta­tion and bon­sai – his patience hobby!



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