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Training the next generation of pathology collectors

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13th November, 2023

Meet Claire Padgett. A pathology collections trainer who works on the NSW Central Coast, ensuring our collectors are providing the best possible care.

Claire has worked for NSW Health Pathol­o­gy as a col­lec­tions train­er since 2002 and says she loves facil­i­tat­ing learn­ing and the inter­ac­tion it brings.

A Cen­tral Coast local, Claire works most­ly at Gos­ford Hos­pi­tal, but her job can take her all around the region from Umi­na to Wyong.

“I had pre­vi­ous­ly worked as a para­medic for NSW Ambu­lance for 15 years,” she explains.

“I decid­ed to work in pathol­o­gy after real­is­ing I had a strong desire to remain with­in a health care role.”

Claire has a Diplo­ma in Para­med­ical Sci­ence, a Cert IV in Train­ing and Assess­ment and a Cert III in Pathol­o­gy Collections.

She says train­ing col­lec­tors some­times requires her to think out­side the box.

“You need to be cre­ative when design­ing learn­ing tools to keep it fun and your audi­ence engaged,” she said.

“We all have dif­fer­ent learn­ing styles and learn at dif­fer­ent rates, so patience is def­i­nite­ly required to be a col­lec­tions train­er and facil­i­tate effec­tive learning.”

Claire gets a lot of joy from her work, par­tic­u­lar­ly when it comes to inspir­ing young peo­ple to con­sid­er a career in pathology.

“I attend a careers expo each year and I love see­ing the excit­ed faces of all the school leavers,” she says.

“I take the manikin arm up to the expo, and one of our sci­en­tists takes along a micro­scope and slides.

“Togeth­er we spruik a career with­in NSW Health Pathol­o­gy, it’s a very reward­ing experience.”

She says she prac­tices mind­ful­ness to tack­le the chal­lenges of jug­gling mul­ti­ple roles at work.

Claire’s hob­bies away from work include bush­walk­ing, read­ing, and baking.

Thanks Claire, for help­ing our col­lec­tors here at NSW Health Pathol­o­gy to be the best they can be.


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