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Long serving Walgett lab manager retires

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6th April, 2023

Chris Gould has dedicated 23 years of his life to the Walgett community, managing the town’s pathology laboratory and ensuring doctors get vital results when they are needed.

Chris Gould’s pathol­o­gy career has tak­en him around the world, but he says he’s been proud to call Wal­gett home for the past 23 years and will con­tin­ue to do so.

The 73-year-old for­mer Wal­gett lab man­ag­er for NSW Health Pathol­o­gy offi­cial­ly retired in March 2023 and says he’s look­ing for­ward to hav­ing more time with his wife and two sons, par­tic­u­lar­ly being able to watch his 16-year-old son Sean play rug­by league.

His pathol­o­gy career saw him man­ag­ing a lab­o­ra­to­ry at John Hunter Hos­pi­tal in New­cas­tle, as well as work­ing for 10 years in Cana­da, before he moved to Walgett.

“I’m very proud of my role as a NATA (Nation­al Asso­ci­a­tion of Test­ing Author­i­ties) asses­sor over the past two decades, which required a lot of train­ing and trav­el,” Chris said.

“That’s been very rewarding.”

As the only sci­en­tist at the Wal­gett lab until 2017, Chris was reg­u­lar­ly on call and required to go into the hos­pi­tal at all hours.

“When I start­ed here in 2000 it was like an exper­i­ment, we need­ed a prop­er pathol­o­gy depart­ment,” he said.

“I only came for a year, and here I am 23 years later!”

He thanked his wife, Mar­la, who works at the Wal­gett lab­o­ra­to­ry as a tech­ni­cal assis­tant, for all her sup­port over the years.

Chris met Mar­la in the Philip­pines and says it was a cul­ture shock mov­ing to a remote loca­tion like Wal­gett, but she has embraced the region and the work in pathology.

Chris is plan­ning to take his fam­i­ly to Swe­den soon on a trip that had to be delayed due to COVID-19 restrictions.

He says he hopes his lega­cy will be the cre­ation of a qual­i­ty pathol­o­gy ser­vice serv­ing the Wal­gett and sur­round­ing com­mu­ni­ties of Light­ning Ridge, Col­larene­bri and Goodooga, and improv­ing the health out­comes for region­al people.

Con­grat­u­la­tions on your well-earned retire­ment and we wish you all the best Chris and family!

A man cutting into a colourful decorated cake.
Chris Gould cuts his retire­ment cake.


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