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Double celebration at Dubbo for David and Diane

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28th December, 2022

It was a double celebration for our Dubbo lab the week before Christmas.

Diane Ben­nett is retir­ing from NSW Health Pathol­o­gy Dub­bo after 28 years.

Diane has been the Senior Sci­en­tist of Micro­bi­ol­o­gy at Dub­bo since 2015 and is retir­ing at the end of 2022.

Known to her col­leagues as a ‘micro guru’, she says she most enjoys know­ing that she has made a dif­fer­ence in the diag­no­sis and treat­ment of patients.
“You’re not just a machine pump­ing out results,” she said.

“Some­times you come up with rare things, and you find hid­den gems; the zebra among the horses.”

Pic­tured with her is David Par­ler, who has been work­ing at Dub­bo as an assis­tant for two days per week for the past 20 years.

Every year the Dub­bo staff put togeth­er a Christ­mas ham­per for David, who con­sid­ers the lab a sig­nif­i­cant part of his life and the staff part of his extend­ed family.

This year was the first year since the COVID pan­dem­ic the staff could come togeth­er and present this ham­per to David per­son­al­ly. He said he was thrilled to receive this gen­er­ous gift.

Diane Ben­nett says she plans to use her retire­ment to trav­el around Aus­tralia, includ­ing see­ing fam­i­ly and friends in West­ern Australia.

Best of luck with the com­ing adven­ture Diane and thank you from all of us at NSW Health Pathology!



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