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Gillian Rozenberg proved that COVID-19 was no obstacle as she hit the digital highway in her mission to upskill NSW Pathology staff.
In early 2020, Gillian Rozenberg, Senior Medical Scientist in Haematology at NSW Health Pathology-Randwick, was planning on hanging up her lab coat after more than 40 years in NSW’s public pathology service.
But before her transition into a well-earned retirement, she felt a calling to pass on her extensive knowledge in the area of morphology by going on the road for a year to teach rural and regional staff her craft in two-day face-to-face workshops.
Unfortunately, Gillian’s plans for a statewide training road trip were brought to a grinding halt with the outbreak of COVID-19.
With the world at a standstill, Gillian was determined to soldier on and still deliver her expertise to NSW Pathology staff all over the state. The solution was delivering her courses through video conferencing via zoom.
Gillian received valuable support from the Learning and Development and Human Resources teams, in particular, Siobhan Cunliffe who helped develop a course that could be seamlessly delivered online to a diverse workforce. The course offered five, two-hour zoom sessions over a three-week period. Each participant received an extensive booklet that contained slides for future reference.
In under 12 months Gillian and the team were able to reach 118 staff across NSW which helped ensure her wealth of knowledge was passed on to our current and emerging scientists and technicians.
This achievement recently earned Gillian and Siobhan the Supporting Our People Team Award in the 2021 NSW Health Pathology Awards.