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Mr Nick Dunn

Director, Finance and Corporate Services

Mr Nick Dunn

Nick Dunn is an expe­ri­enced finance pro­fes­sion­al with more than 25 years’ expe­ri­ence, includ­ing the last 5 years in the health sys­tem. Nick joined the NSW Health Pathol­o­gy team in 2017.

Most recent­ly, Nick worked with NSW Health Pathol­o­gy as the Asso­ciate Direc­tor of Finan­cial Oper­a­tions as well as with Cen­tral Coast LHD as Act­ing Dis­trict Direc­tor of Asset Man­age­ment, Finance and Pro­cure­ment (sec­ond­ment). Pri­or to work­ing in the NSW Health sys­tem, Nick worked across dif­fer­ent finance and relat­ed roles in the finan­cial ser­vices, tele­vi­sion and telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions sec­tors. Nick’s qual­i­fi­ca­tions include a B Com­merce degree from ANU while he is also a mem­ber of the Char­tered Accoun­tants Aus­tralia & New Zealand and the Health­care Finan­cial Man­age­ment Association.

Nick and the teams he leads pro­vide strate­gic and oper­a­tional exper­tise across the finan­cial account­ing, man­age­ment account­ing, tax­a­tion, rev­enue and pro­cure­ment fields with a focus on ensur­ing NSW Health Pathology’s finan­cial and envi­ron­men­tal sus­tain­abil­i­ty while pro­vid­ing val­ue based care to the health system.


Corporate & Support Services


Corporate & Support Services

Supports delivery of efficient, effective and transparent services. Includes legal, risk management, internal audit, policy, privacy, records management and GIPA (freedom of information) functions.

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