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Michael Evtushenko

Michael Evtushenko

Client Services Manager and Research Coordinator, NSW Health Statewide Biobank

Michael Evtushenko

Michael is the Client Ser­vices Man­ag­er for our NSW Health Statewide Biobank (NSWHSB).

The Biobank aims to pro­vide a greater, sim­pler & more cost-effec­tive par­tic­i­pa­tion in biospec­i­men research whether you are in NSW, or Aus­tralia. Our facil­i­ty and ser­vices are designed to sup­port, enrich and enable your med­ical research projects, clin­i­cal tri­als or biospec­i­men col­lec­tions to enable cost effec­tive, rapid research, improve­ments in patient out­comes and ulti­mate­ly improve­ments for the peo­ple of NSW.

Learn more about the NSW Health Statewide Biobank (NSWHSB).


Biobanking Research



The first and largest biobank of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere.


Every day, our NSW Health Pathology colleagues take part in innovative research to improve public health and safety.

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