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Dr. Lisa Parker

Dr. Lisa Parker

Anatomical Pathology Training Coordinator

Cammeraygal. Dr. Lisa Parker

Lisa pro­vides sup­port and assis­tance to trainee reg­is­trars through­out their time in the statewide Anatom­i­cal Pathol­o­gy train­ing pro­gram. Lisa coor­di­nates the annu­al recruit­ment and place­ment process­es for trainees and works hard with the rest of the med­ical work­force team to max­imise trainee expe­ri­ences and learn­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties. Lisa has clin­i­cal expe­ri­ence in Anatom­i­cal Pathol­o­gy and in Uni­ver­si­ty teach­ing and research. Lisa trained in med­i­cine at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Tas­ma­nia and com­plet­ed a PhD in bioethics at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Syd­ney. Lisa joined NSW Health Pathol­o­gy in 2022 and enjoys con­tribut­ing to the pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment and hap­pi­ness of our future Anatom­i­cal Pathologists.


Anatomical Pathology


Anatomical Pathology

Our anatomical pathologists examine tissue and cells taken from patients to diagnose a wide variety of diseases, including cancer.

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