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Dr. Jeff Donlon

Dr. Jeff Donlon

Local Pathology Director, Murrumbidgee and Pathologist

He/him. Wiradjuri. Dr. Jeff Donlon

Dr Jeff Don­lon is NSW Health Pathol­o­gy’s Local Pathol­o­gy Direc­tor at Mur­rumbidgee Local Health Dis­trict. He’s also a Pathol­o­gist at our Wag­ga Wag­ga Lab.

As a Local Pathol­o­gy Direc­tor, Dr Don­lon is respon­si­ble for Senior med­ical lead­er­ship, gov­er­nance, and man­age­ment for Local Pathol­o­gy Team in the Mur­rumbidgee area, along with local med­ical work­force coor­di­na­tion and over­sight of super­vi­sion arrange­ments. He is also skilled at build­ing and man­ag­ing effec­tive com­mu­ni­ca­tion and rela­tion­ships with Clin­i­cians and Local Health Dis­trict counterparts.


Anatomical Pathology


Anatomical Pathology

Our anatomical pathologists examine tissue and cells taken from patients to diagnose a wide variety of diseases, including cancer.

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