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After more than 25 years of dedicated service and remarkable contributions, Dr Cliff Meldrum, Director of Genomics officially retires from NSW Health Pathology this week. We will miss his warm personality, approachability, willingness to mentor and guide others and unwavering dedication.
Cliff has been an integral part of NSWHP, playing a pivotal role in shaping our genomics service and its achievements. His tireless commitment to establishing our statewide sequencing service and providing training and education, as well as his wealth of knowledge and outstanding leadership have added so much to our organisation.
Genomics is moving quickly, both nationally and within NSW Health. Throughout his tenure, Cliff has spearheaded numerous ground-breaking genomics projects, paving the way for advancements in research and discovery.
Cliff has also contributed greatly to the field of genomics, serving as:
• Chair of the Molecular Genetics Society of the HGSA (prior to the formation of the ASDG),
• Principal Examiner in Genetics of the RCPA Faculty of Science,
• Assessor for the European Molecular Quality Network as well as NATA,
• Chair of the Translational Medicine committee and co-chair of the IT systems and Infrastructure committee for phases 1 and 2 of the NSW Health Genomics strategy, and
• member of the Australian Genomics national steering committee.
Cliff’s expertise, strategic vision and ability to navigate complex scientific challenges have earned him great respect amongst his peers and colleagues.
Beyond his professional achievements, Cliff’s warm personality, approachability and willingness to mentor and guide others made him an invaluable asset to NSWHP. He led by example and fostered a collaborative and inclusive work environment.
Please join us in thanking Cliff for his unwavering dedication, outstanding achievements and lasting contributions to NSW Health Pathology. We wish you a very happy and enjoyable retirement.