The most asked question in our line of work tends to be ‘Which lab can perform this test?’.
Until recently, it wasn’t easy to answer.
We had inherited separate systems where tests were described and reported in different ways. There was no easy way to tell which labs performed which test without making inquiries.
Our Pre and Post Analytical Stream identified the need for a single source of truth.
Pre and Post Analytics director Judy Kempton-Webb, Catalogue Project Officer Hui Germon, and a small but exceptionally creative DevOps team set to work to design and create it.
For Hui this meant the Herculean task of collecting and collating a sea of test information from every corner of our organisation.
After extensive negotiating, piloting and testing, our NSW Health Pathology Test Catalogue was launched in August 2021.
It provides accurate test information for clinicians, collectors, specimen reception staff and scientists across NSW.
Available 24/7, the user-friendly online platform can be accessed from mobile or desktop devices. It also provides useful links, guidance around collection methods, transport and handling, and patient advice.
The cornerstone of our electronic messaging strategy, it supports Fusion, the PathWorks Mobile app, our new website and statewide billing service, with more to come.
It has more than 3800 active users and receives more than 200,000 test enquiries a month.
Now all of us can answer simple questions about our tests safely and accurately.