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Home Awards 2023

Juliana Iles-Mann

Finalist | Collaborative connected leader Director, Fusion Program

Juliana has been described as an inclu­sive and encour­ag­ing leader. Her nom­i­nees also not­ed that she is a men­tor at heart and, like oth­er good lead­ers, cul­ti­vates lead­er­ship in oth­ers, and a desire for con­tin­u­ous learning.

Juliana is known for her qual­i­ties as an effec­tive, authen­tic pro­fes­sion­al who is com­mit­ted to pro­duc­ing out­stand­ing results, while nur­tur­ing oth­ers as peo­ple and professionals.

Her col­leagues have said that “Juliana sets peo­ple up to suc­ceed and she cel­e­brates their suc­cess­es wide­ly. In rare cas­es where some­one needs a hand to express their excel­lence, she is ready to pro­vide encour­age­ment and the prac­ti­cal means for them to over­come obsta­cles, learn and grow”.

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