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Home Awards 2022

Catherine Janto, Hospital Scientist

Finalist | RITE staff member

An ‘excep­tion­al leader, col­league and men­tor’, Cather­ine Jan­to is both loved and respect­ed by all those who work with her.

In ear­ly 2020, the Nepean Micro­bi­ol­o­gy lab’s sec­ond-in-charge had just returned from mater­ni­ty leave when the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic hit. Her ini­tial plan to return part-time quick­ly shift­ed to work­ing full-time and over­time to sup­port her staff and pro­tect them from burnout.

Dur­ing the Delta out­break, she sup­port­ed oth­er labs by help­ing set up over­flow COVID-19 test­ing at the Eliz­a­beth Macarthur Agri­cul­ture Insti­tute (EMAI).

No task is too hard for Cather­ine, from writ­ing test pro­ce­dures one minute to sud­den­ly procur­ing mul­ti­ple exten­sion cords to redi­rect pow­er to keep vital lab­o­ra­to­ry instru­ments run­ning dur­ing an out­age. No mat­ter the issue, she’s on top of it and dri­ven to ensure our ser­vices are unaf­fect­ed, her col­leagues are safe and patient care is uncompromised.

On many occa­sions, she has come into work in the mid­dle of the night to ensure urgent patient sam­ples are processed by the morn­ing. Her hard work moti­vates all those around her.

If some­one needs Cather­ine, she will drop what­ev­er she is doing to light­en their load. Cather­ine is empath­ic and lis­tens with­out inter­rup­tion. If she doesn’t have a solu­tion, her answer is always “Leave it with me, I will fig­ure it out” and she does.

Cather­ine is nev­er with­out a smile on her face. Her pos­i­tive nature has made the lab a safe space and brought a team of diverse staff togeth­er in the tough­est of times.

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