Meeting customer needs is vital to the success and growth of any business.
For us, that means delivering patient results to referring clinicians, GPs and other clients as quickly as possible. Electronic reporting is the answer, but it’s harder than it seems.
Due to client circumstance and preference and a literal disconnect between the many and varied ICT and clinical practice software systems, some results are still delivered by phone, fax and even post.
Our ground-breaking Fusion project will deliver a standardised eReporting system, but for now, the Business Development Units across the East and South have been busy implementing a fix to bridge the gap.
They’re connecting private practices, medical centres and more with electronic results via Healthlink, a secure message delivery network.
As soon as a pathology result is authorised, it’s available in the client’s practice software, ensuring timely diagnosis and patient care.
Our lab staff now receive fewer phone calls and emails chasing and spend less time resending results, and the decreased faxing and printing is more economical and sustainable.
Team member Chloe Kennedy said the work has strengthened existing client relationships and built new ones.
“It’s important for us to have good relationships with doctors so they refer patients to us as we can provide an optimal service,” she said.
Across the East and South more than 3000 healthcare providers are now registered to receive our results electronically thanks to the team’s dedicated networking and promotion.