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Home Awards 2023

Ana Domazetovska

Finalist | Research excellence Culture-Free Phylogenetic Analysis of Legionella Pneumophila Using Targeted CRISPR/Cas9 Next-Generation Sequencing

The bac­teri­um Legionel­la pneu­mophi­la is respon­si­ble for out­breaks of seri­ous and life-threat­en­ing pneu­mo­nia called Legion­naires’ dis­ease. There is a need for new mol­e­c­u­lar meth­ods that allow for inves­ti­ga­tion of L. pneu­mophi­la out­breaks direct­ly from patient sam­ples, with­out pri­or micro­bi­o­log­i­cal cul­ture which caus­es delays.

The aim of this research project was to devel­op a method for tar­get­ed next gen­er­a­tion sequenc­ing (NGS) of 57 L. pneu­mophi­la genes, util­is­ing a CRISPR/Cas9 based tar­get enrich­ment sys­tem. The main goal being to improve patient out­comes and care through the devel­op­ment of a mol­e­c­u­lar method that can be applied direct­ly to patient sam­ples rather than cul­tured iso­lates. This would effec­tive­ly enable faster inves­ti­ga­tion of L. pneu­mophi­la out­breaks and iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of the source.

After exten­sive research and an incred­i­ble amount of work led by Ana and the col­lab­o­rat­ing par­ties*, the results showed that tar­get­ed NGS of 57 genes is more effi­cient than whole genome sequenc­ing. Phy­lo­ge­net­ic analy­sis of the 57 genes yield­ed the same clas­si­fi­ca­tion of the L. pneu­mophi­la iso­lates as that based on analy­sis of whole-genome data. Tar­get­ed NGS of L. pneu­mophi­la per­formed direct­ly on patient res­pi­ra­to­ry sam­ples cor­rect­ly clas­si­fied the patients accord­ing to their cor­re­spond­ing cul­tured isolates.

* Col­lab­o­ra­tor acknowl­edge­ments: This project was per­formed in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Depart­ment of Infec­tious Dis­eases and Micro­bi­ol­o­gy, NSW Health Pathol­o­gy, Liv­er­pool and the Antibi­ot­ic Resis­tance and Mobile Ele­ments Group, Ing­ham Insti­tute of Applied Med­ical Research, Syd­ney, Aus­tralia. Pro­fes­sor Slade Jensen and Dr Michael Radzi­et­ta from the Ing­ham Insti­tute pro­vid­ed advice and access to bench space and equip­ment that was nec­es­sary to per­form some of the exper­i­men­tal genom­ic work.

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